DigicationWelcome to UB ePortfolios Help Website! DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes. Beginning in August, 2017, all UB Digication users will have access to the new ePortfolo Builder. Digication ePortfolio :: UB ePortfolios Help Website by Roberta Sullivan,Kathy Chan at University at Buffalo. The UB Curriculum office will notify all instructors of UB Curriculum courses when the updated contract is in effect. Welcome to UB ePortfolios Help Website! DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes. Digication ePortfolio :: UB ePortfolios Help Website by Roberta Sullivan,Kathy Chan at University at Buffalo. Digication ePortfolio :: UB ePortfolios Help Website by Roberta Sullivan,Kathy Chan at University at Buffalo. Welcome to Video TutorialsDigication ePortfolio :: UB ePortfolios Help Website by Roberta Sullivan,Kathy Chan at University at Buffalo. This Digication General User Quickstart Guide explains the basics of how to create an ePortfolio using Digication. This page contains user guides to help faculty and students begin building an ePortfolio, manage. The interface for the ePortfolio Builder is changing. DigicationDigication courses are a way to streamline and manage student ePortfolios, putting them all together in one place. HUB. UB Faculty Startup Guide DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes. . Visit the Path Finder. Schedules (Fall 2019) Updated 9/12/19. The image below was created using PIXLR , just one of the many free tools available on the Internet that can be used create and edit images. Welcome to UB ePortfolio Startup Guides"204262988, 204536467, 204535527" "9858828640667, 9746200339739, 9884590994587"UB EPORTFOLIO STARTUP GUIDE UB EPORTFOLIO SUPPORT SERVICES 3 II. There are several benefits to creating a Digication course for. Use the add/edit button to rename existing sections and/or add new ones. You must submit your Pathway selections via the Path Finder tool in order for courses to appear on your Academic Advising Report. All Schedules are obtained from parking and transportation. Faculty may view classes and grade students. Students use HUB to register for class, pay bills and apply for degrees. Digication ePortfolio :: UB ePortfolios Help Website by Roberta Sullivan,Kathy Chan at University at Buffalo. The following tables complement the Path Finder tool and can be utilized in planning your Pathways. The new interface is much more visually appealing and allows a greater degree of. 7/12/23. UB Stampede :: Schedules. Faculty Technology Guide. ePortfolios are purposeful digital collections of student work that can be used to showcase one's efforts and ideas, and act as archives of learning, discovery, progress, achievement and self-reflection. ePortfolios are purposeful digital collections of student work that can be used to showcase one's efforts and ideas, and act as archives of learning, discovery, progress, achievement and self-reflection. Digication is UB’s chosen platform to host student ePortfolios within the new UB Curriculum, in anticipation of the Capstone ePortfolio students will complete as the. Download free UB software, set up your UBmail, connect to Wi-Fi, learn about tech classrooms and IT support options. You will discover that Digication offers multiple ways to create an ePortfolio: 1) “Create from Scratch,” 2) from basic templates available in the UB Digication system, or 3) from a. ePortfolios are purposeful digital collections of student work that can be used to showcase one's efforts and ideas, and act as archives of learning, discovery, progress, achievement and self-reflection. Digication ePortfolio :: UB ePortfolios Help Website by Roberta Sullivan,Kathy Chan at University at Buffalo. Commenting on ePortfolios for StudentsDigication System Maintenance: Monday November 22 from 4AM to 6AM (Eastern) and Monday November 29 from 3AM to 6AM (Eastern) Digication System Maintenance: Thursday, November 18 from 4AM to 6AM (Eastern) RESOLVED: File Upload Errors October 19, 2021. The Path Finder is a planning tool to assist in your selection of UB Curriculum Pathway courses. Steps to create an ePortfolio from course template You will discover that Digication offers multiple ways to create an ePortfolio: 1) “Create from Scratch,” 2) from basic templates available in the UB Digication system, or 3) from a specific course template your instructor has. Jia Lin's UB Portfolio :: Learning Reflection - DigicationDigication ePortfolio :: UB ePortfolios Help Website by Roberta Sullivan,Kathy Chan at University at Buffalo. Introduction to the UB Curriculum and Capstone; Introduction to Navigating Digication; Creating an ePortfolio from a Template; Adding content to ePortfolios (Modules) Using Permissions; Publishing and Associating with a Course; How to Submit Assignments (Students) Commenting on ePortfolios (Students) Creating a Course Template (Faculty)The banner below can be customized to include the UB logo in your header image, or you can use any other image providing you have the creator’s permission. Digication is an ePortfolio tool for students to share their work online with their friends, teachers, and potential employers. On April 11th, 2017, the UB Curriculum Capstone staff presented an overview of New Digication for UB Seminar Instructors. Prototype. Digication System Maintenance: Wednesday, October 27 from. The content of the session is relevant for all faculty using Digication in their courses. How do I create an ePortfolio template for my course? From your Digication landing page, click on the green plus sign in the ePortfolios section. Welcome to UB ePortfolios Help Website! DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes. Using PermissionsDigication ePortfolio :: UB ePortfolios Help Website by Roberta Sullivan,Kathy Chan at University at Buffalo. UB Faculty Startup Guide DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes. Welcome to For Faculty PageIntroduction to the UB Curriculum and Capstone; Introduction to Navigating Digication; Creating an ePortfolio from a Template; Adding content to ePortfolios (Modules) Using Permissions; Publishing and Associating with a Course; How to Submit Assignments (Students) Commenting on ePortfolios (Students) Creating a Course Template (Faculty)Download free UB software, set up your UBmail, connect to Wi-Fi, learn about printing and get help with all the tech services UB offers to students. Welcome to Students FAQs PageDigicationDigication ePortfolio :: UB ePortfolios Help Website by Roberta Sullivan,Kathy Chan at University at Buffalo. Administrative staff set up courses, process financial. Digication ePortfolio :: UB ePortfolios Help Website by Roberta Sullivan,Kathy Chan at University at Buffalo.